AVENTURA AMAZONIA CERCEDILLA, uno de los parques de aventura más grandes de Europa, se encuentra en pleno corazón de la sierra, en el Valle de la Fuenfría de la Sierra de Guadarrarma, el mayor enclave de Ocio en Naturaleza de la Comunidad de Madrid, donde se vive la Aventura en estado puro.
Vas a disfrutar de 7 Circuitos de aventura con 114 juegos en los árboles, y 33 tirolinas , en el mayor parque Multiaventura para adultos y niños de Madrid, incluyendo el nuevo CANOPY, único circuito en Madrid solo de tirolinas con más de 470 m.
Las visitas requieren hora de acceso previa confirmación por parte de Tixalia. Le recomendamos que una vez finalizada la compra se ponga en contacto con Tixalia a través del siguiente correo: reservas@tixalia.com o en el 961691943 para indicar la hora deseada.
Consulte aquí los horarios de apertura 2024 e INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE sobre la actividad.
Aceptación Condiciones de Participación. Este documento es necesario rellenarlo, o en el parque o en casa. Si lo llevas impreso y relleno de casa ahorrarás tiempo al no tener que hacerlo en el parque: descargar formulario.
Información Importante: Desde el 01.07.24 entra en vigor la nueva regulación y ordenación de las plazas de aparcamiento en el Parque Nacional en el que nos encontramos. A partir de esta fecha, y coincidiendo con la apertura de las piscinas naturales, el ayuntamiento de Cercedilla cobrará 3€ por cada vehículo que aparque en esta zona y las plazas de parking estarán bajo reserva previa. Pincha aquí para ver todas las posibilidades de acceso y los horarios de los autobuses.
For people over 16 years old, included. Includes: 3 hours of adventure activities in the trees. All the necessary equipment for the activities: PPE (consisting of a harness, smart carabiners and a pulley for zip lines). Introductory course to activities at height. Insurance coverage (RC and Accidents). Wear sports and comfortable clothing, with foot-tight footwear, cycling gloves (tight and fingerless, optional). We recommend the use of long pants for children even in summer, as they will be more comfortable to play games. Plan your visit in advance, anticipating traffic jams that may arise during travel. The Community of Madrid regulates access to the natural park from April to October, so when foresters stop you, you just have to say your name and reservation time. Valid for the date and time indicated on the voucher. You must come 30 minutes before the reservation time.
For people under 16 years of age and taller than 1.35m. Includes: 3 hours of adventure activities in the trees. All the necessary equipment for the activities: PPE (consisting of a harness, smart carabiners and a pulley for zip lines). Introductory course to activities at height. Insurance coverage (RC and Accidents). Wear sports and comfortable clothing, with foot-tight footwear, cycling gloves (tight and fingerless, optional). We recommend the use of long pants for children even in summer, as they will be more comfortable to play games. Plan your visit in advance, anticipating traffic jams that may arise during travel. The Community of Madrid regulates access to the natural park from April to October, so when foresters stop you, you just have to say your name and reservation time. Valid for the date and time indicated on the voucher. You must come 30 minutes before the reservation time.
For people from 6 years old and with a height between 1.15m and 1.35m. Includes: 3 hours of adventure activities in the trees. All the necessary equipment for the activities: PPE (consisting of a harness, smart carabiners and a pulley for zip lines). Introductory course to activities at height. Insurance coverage (RC and Accidents). Wear sports and comfortable clothing, with foot-tight footwear, cycling gloves (tight and fingerless, optional). We recommend the use of long pants for children even in summer, as they will be more comfortable to play games. Plan your visit in advance, anticipating traffic jams that may arise during travel. The Community of Madrid regulates access to the natural park from April to October, so when foresters stop you, you just have to say your name and reservation time. Valid for the date and time indicated on the voucher. You must come 30 minutes before the reservation time.
For people of any age who are not going to do activities. Plan your visit in advance, anticipating traffic jams that may arise during travel. The Community of Madrid regulates access to the natural park from April to October, so when foresters stop you, you just have to say your name and reservation time. Valid for the date and time indicated on the voucher. You must come 30 minutes before the reservation time.