La excursión tiene una duración aproximada de 2h.
Los horarios de estas excursiones están pendientes de confirmación debido a la dependencia de las condiciones meteorológicas. La confirmación de las salidas y de los horarios definitivos, se realizará el mismo día de la actividad por teléfono. Recibirá los datos de contacto con la confirmación de la reserva. Los pasajeros deben presentarse 1 hora antes del inicio de la actividad, para poder realizar el embarque siguiendo las normas de seguridad establecidas.
Se recomienda llevar: protección solar, gorra, abrigo, calzado cómodo y sujeto al pie, tomar medicina para prevenir el mareo (biodramina) y agua.
Entry is for those aged 15 and over. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The times of these excursions are pending confirmation due to the dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of the departures and final times will be made on the day of the activity by phone. It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, seasickness pills, binoculars, a hat and sunscreen and a coat (also in summer).
Admission is for children between 6 and 14 years old. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The times of these excursions are pending confirmation due to the dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of the departures and final times will be made on the day of the activity by phone. It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, seasickness pills, binoculars, a hat and sunscreen and a coat (also in summer).
Entry for babies between 1 and 5 years old. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The times of these excursions are pending confirmation due to the dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of the departures and final times will be made on the day of the activity by phone. It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, seasickness pills, binoculars, a hat and sunscreen and a coat (also in summer).
Entrance is for pensioners and/or disabled people. Proof of disability is required. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The times of these excursions are pending confirmation due to the dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of the departures and final times will be made on the day of the activity by phone. It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, seasickness pills, binoculars, a hat and sunscreen and a coat (also in summer).
La excursión tiene una duración aproximada de 2h. Entrada válida si se realiza una reserva de más de 7 personas.
Los horarios de estas excursiones están pendientes de confirmación debido a la dependencia de las condiciones meteorológicas. La confirmación de las salidas y de los horarios definitivos, se realizará el mismo día de la actividad por teléfono. Recibirá los datos de contacto con la confirmación de la reserva. Los pasajeros deben presentarse 1 hora antes del inicio de la actividad, para poder realizar el embarque siguiendo las normas de seguridad establecidas.
Se recomienda llevar: protección solar, gorra, abrigo, calzado cómodo y sujeto al pie, tomar medicina para prevenir el mareo (biodramina) y agua.
Entrance from 15 years old. Ticket valid if a reservation of more than 7 people is made. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The schedules of these excursions are pending confirmation due to the dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of departures and final times will be made the same day of the activity by phone.It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, seasickness pills, binoculars, hat and sunscreen and a coat (also in summer).
Ticket for children between 6 and 14 years old. Ticket valid if a reservation of more than 7 people is made. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The schedules of these excursions are pending confirmation due to the dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of departures and final times will be made the same day of the activity by phone.It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, seasickness pills, binoculars, hat and sunscreen and a coat (also in summer).
Entry for babies between 2 and 5 years old. Valid entry if a reservation is made for more than 6 people. The excursion lasts approximately 2 hours. The schedules of these excursions are pending confirmation due to dependence on weather conditions. Confirmation of departures and final schedules will be made on the same day of the activity by telephone. It is recommended to bring: comfortable shoes and clothing, water, motion sickness pills, binoculars, a hat and sun cream and a coat (also in summer).